Midland Sealyham Terrier Club

Established 1923



Midland Sealyham Terrier Club Open Show
26th June 2022
The Midland Sealyham Terrier Club
Open Show
Sunday 26th June
Thomas West (Tomlyndon)
Thank you to the Officers and Committee for the opportunity to judge at your well run show. It was an honour to be invited and the support on the day, with such quality exhibits present, left a lasting impression. There was also a great atmosphere throughout on the day.
Minor Puppy Dog (No Entries)
Puppy Dog (No Entries)
Junior Dog (2, 1abs)
1st Crang’s Lushell Gwyn Cariad
Strong male with well balanced skull, neat ears and correct bite. Would prefer more drive from his rear.
Novice Dog (No Entries)
Graduate Dog (2)
1st Lee’s Ornella Chocolate Orange
Scored in head proportions, ear set, strong jaw. Well placed shoulder and good depth of rib. Correct bite, tail well set but not carrying it to his advantage on this occasion.
2nd Curtis’ Jolihem Lenejoe Badger
In good coat condition, pleasing skull with good width between ears. Would prefer him with more depth to his chest.
Limit Dog (1)
1st James’ Nileda Mister Joe
Pleasing male, sound throughout. Excellent head proportions, well placed ears with good width to skull and strong in jaw. Super front with good depth of chest. Good tail, well set with plenty of strength in his rear, enabling his free movement. In good coat. Preferred the length of neck / outline of the Open class when it came to the challenge.
Open Dog (4)
Superb class and a pleasure to have such quality present at an Open Show. Splitting hairs here but topped by:-
1st Bell’s CH Zippor Sleepy Sapphireson At Latera
Exudes quality, a real presence on entering the ring and holds his outline so well both on the move and whilst free standing. Excellent head, ears well placed slight domed in skull with good width, Strong jaw of good length. Excellent bite. Straight front, with good depth of chest. Well placed shoulder into level topline. Tail well set and carried on top. Plenty of muscle to his rear, well angulated which facilitates his propulsion and drive. Good reach without being ‘flashy’. In excellent condition. BD & BIS
2nd Bettis’ CH Ornella Country Living ShCM ShCEx
Another male from the top drawer, excellent balance and outline. Super head, ear placement and bite. Good substance, straight front with good depth of chest. Ribs well sprung. In A1 condition. Tail well set and carried bang on top. Moving out well. RBD
3rd Evans’ CH Nileda Our Mutual Friend
Close to 1 & 2 and in superb condition. Excellent head, broad skull and strong jaw. Good bite. Excellent front, depth of chest, into good length of body and correct top line. Moving out well.
Special Trier D or B (4, 1abs)
1st McNeillis’ Megembay Merrydah (b)
Lovely bitch to go over, put down in excellent condition. Good head and ears and strong jaw. Good in front, neck and well placed shoulder into level topline which she holds well on the move. Tail well set and well angulated / muscled in her rear. Moving out well. BPB & BPIS
2nd Crang’s Lushell Gwyn Cariad (d)
3rd Jolihem Lenejoe Badger (d)
Veteran D or B (2)
1st Evans’ CH Nileda Great Expectations ShCM (B)
A beautiful bitch, in great condition. A section from my notes reads ‘Quality, excellent neck, level topline into soundest of fronts… plenty behind the tail, powering around the ring’. A credit to her owner, she covers the ground so well, built well in her front / shoulder assembly to enable good reach, with the propulsion from her rear. BVIS
2nd Trezise-Dunbas’ Cibach Carys At Firstwish (B)
Another bitch enjoying her day. In good condition with correct texture. Preferred the neck and clean flow into topline of the winner.
Puppy Bitch (2)
1st McNeillis’ Megembay Merrydah
2nd Smith’s Grevenia Higwen Amber Queen
A pleasing youngster, excellent head proportions, good bite. Straight front and good depth of chest. Well placed shoulder into level topline. Tail well set. Moving well but preferred the strength and drive of 1. Still only puppies with time on their side to develop.
Junior Bitch (1)
1st Bettis’ Nunneley Hopscotch Over Ornella
Top drawer youngster, so well balanced and constructed. Excellent skull with slight dome and width between ears. Strong jaw, excellent bite. Super front assembly, good depth of chest. Well placed shoulders, sufficient length to her neck, into level topline. Tail well set and excellent rear angulation. Good bend of stifle. Moving out so well, excellent drive. One of the best movers on the day. Excellent in profile and with parallel action when viewed from her rear. RBB
Novice Bitch (No Entries)
Graduate Bitch (No Entries)
1st Bettis’ Nunneley Hopscotch Over Ornella
Limit Bitch (7)
1st Bettis’ Nunneley Hopscotch Over Ornella
2nd Lee’s Zippor Miss Fairy Footsteps
Quality to go over, scored in head proportions, strong in jaw and excellent bite. Good depth of chest and well sprung in rib. Level topline which she holds on the move. Good tail set and well angulated. Covering the ground with ease.
3rd Hampson’s Step Forward Odesia (IMP Rus)
Another bitch lovely to go over. In good condition. Scored in front, layback of shoulder and level topline. Moving out well, plenty of substance and muscle, good hocks enabling her free movement.
Open Bitch (3)
1st Wonnacott’s CH Jacott Sunshine
Quality exhibit who equally impresses on the table and whilst moving out. Typical outline. Beautiful head, ears well placed and correct dome to skull with good width. Strong in jaw with excellent bite. Straight in front, well let down chest. Well placed shoulder, clean into level topline. Well sprung in rib. Tail well set and carried on top. Plenty behind the tail, with correct angulation and muscle in her rear. Moves out with good drive, parallel action from the rear and with good reach / drive when viewed in profile. She had to defer to the male for BIS but left a real impression. BB & RBIS
2nd Hampson’s Soare On A Sunrise High (IMP ITA)
Many attributes of the winner, excelled in movement and rear angulation. In great coat and overall condition. Good layback of shoulder into level topline. Good depth of chest and well ribbed. Good head proportions, with required dome and width of skull.
3rd Merson’s Ornella Love Island Meets Megembay
Another bitch with a lot to like. Typical outline, not overdone. Moving out well.